APK Port, and Possible Upcoming Updates

At long last, 3 days after the original game was posted, the Android port has come! I'm glad I got to finish this, it took me 2 days just to set up the APK compiling.

Now that I've accomplished one of the greatest achievements of my game development so far (kinda sad lol), I will explain future plans for this game. This game may only receive one more update. This update will be 2.0, and it will feature a Zombie Wave creator, New Plant Roles, and Role specific customizations. Other things I add may be an expansive save system, where I won't need to make a brand new save file and make everyone lose their plants.

The zombie wave creator will allow you to essentially create your own level for PvZ, though you only control how zombies spawn. There will be a frame count on the top, which represents the max amount of frames the level has before it either loops or ends. 60 of these frames make up a second, which will be explicitly stated in the Zombie Wave Editor. There will also be a current frame count next to it, which marks the current frame the Wave Editor is on. Every frame will contain zombie data, and you can change wave data by pressing the Zombie head and Flag icons at the far right of a display of the lawn, which are clickable and mark the data for the current frame. Then, there will be a play button, which allows you to play the current wave you were creating.

You can officially play your zombie waves just by simply pressing the Test Plants button, because there will be a screen that pops up that asks either you want to play with randomly generated zombies (current version), or play with the waves you created. If you were to select your waves, a similar screen to the loading screen will pop up, and you have to select one to continue.

New plant roles will consist of Insta-Kills, Activated Insta-Kills, and Catapults. The reason why the shot speed on the Shooters is a fixed variable is because the Catapults were originally going to be the ones who had escalating shot speed rather than escalating shot amount. 

Role specific customizations are basically ways you can make one Shooter different from the other Shooter besides Sun Cost, Recharge, and Appearance. Role specific customizations for the Shooters is the bullet sprite, which can change to any sprite in the category. Role specific customizations for the Producers are the Sun Production type, which there will be Amount-Based, Value-Based, and Exponential. Amount-Based is the system that currently works in the game, where the value of the sun is constant but the amount changes. Value-Based is a system where the value of sun changes rather than the amount of sun produced. Exponential is a system that works off of the Amount-Based system, but the value of the sun changes depending on the amount of the same plant on the lawn. Role specific customizations for the Defense will be the rolling feature, which will either be set to True or False (boolean-based). The rolling feature will set the health to be infinite, and when you place the plant, they begin to roll forward, much like the Wall-nut bowling mini-game. For details sake, whenever the rolling feature is enabled, there will be a generated damage and speed stat, and the size of the plant changes depending on the damage. And for those wondering, yes, the plant will literally roll, like animation and all, it will roll.

That's all I have to say, but all of what I just explained is only half of all I have to complete. Stay Crispy you Cabbages.


Plants vs Zombies Maker.apk 17 MB
May 18, 2023

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