A downloadable maker game for Windows and Android

Plants vs Zombies Maker allows you to create and customize plants which can fight real zombies (real digital zombies). It can also allow you to create Zombie Waves which you can play with your wacky plants! There is a lot to do with this new and improved 2.0 version of Plants vs Zombies Maker! Don't be afraid to have some fun.

Here's the bandcamp release of the OST: Plants vs Zombies Maker OST | MaddCabb (bandcamp.com)

PlatformsWindows, Android
Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
(14 total ratings)
Made withGameMaker, GIMP
Tags2D, Fangame, Funny, GameMaker, plants, plants-vs-zombies, plantsvszombies, pvz, Tower Defense, Zombies


PlantsvsZombiesMaker.exe 22 MB
PlantsvsZombiesMaker.zip 21 MB
Plants vs Zombies Maker.apk 26 MB
PlantsvsZombiesMakerCustomStats.exe 22 MB

Install instructions

To download the game, you must open the installer. You must accept the License Agreement. You can Choose Components, but after you are done, press next. Choose the installation location, then press install. Once that silly little green bar becomes really big or something like that, press show details, it's necessary. Now that I didn't tell you to press next, you can never play the game now, because you can only do what I tell you to do. Have fun!

Ok, well that was only for the installer, but now I'll teach you how to unzip a zip file! Mine, specifically. First, you want to right click on the zip file. Then, you rename the zip file to "MaddCabb is Epic, tell your friends.". Afterwards, you go to your email, and compose a message to every one of your friends, attach the zip file named "MaddCabb is Epic, tell your friends.", and in the subject bar, type, "Hello, unzip this file for me please." Then, after 12 hours, you will get an email from one of your friends saying, "Do you not know how to use a computer or something?" Then you will receive the unzipped file. Download the file into your computer, and enj- Wait... Nevermind, just forgot you can't send unzipped files through email, but you should get a detailed list of instructions on how to unzip a zip file from your friends. After you receive the list, follow the instructions and practice them on the zip file, "MaddCabb is Epic, tell your friends." and enjoy!

For the APK version, make sure you have developer mode on your Android Operating system turned on. For Phones, this process is generally easy. Afterwards, make sure you allow your browser to download files from unknown sources. After you obtain the file, either click open on the download tab that shows you when the file is finished downloading, or use a file browser app to find the APK file within your downloads folder and tap on the file. It will open up and ask if you want to install it, click install. If the device blocks the app due to it detecting it as unsafe, press More details and install anyway. Wait for the app to install, and enjoy!

Development log


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(1 edit)

Pls Make a Zombie Maker!!!! It would be cool to make a full PVZ Campaign (^ω^)


Can you make a no download version?

I think it needs a html file

I cannot open files.


Well, I mean that the author of this game needs to upload a "HTML" file and mark it as "Play on browser"

I can't change stats in the android version you gotta fix that but good project though 

i think its cuz they are calculated with the price recharge


Possibility for the game to import custom body parts for plants? :3

Cool Project))

But a little low types of zombies

Can you add more heads and bodies please? Also pls put a zombie maker as well where we can create zombies with customized hats, armor/clothes and sizes and we will be able adjust how much health the zombies would have


Tengo una idea, añadir a la planta carnívora, por cierto está muy chido el juego

yes and si


All of ideas (most from wicked P):

1. add a melee class for the plants 

2. add plant food

3. add zombie maker

4. add level maker

5. add world maker

6. add game maker for making fan games 

7. add more heads 

8. add mushrooms heads + mushrooms to stems 

9. and effects like fire frozen electric or other effects that you can come up with

10. make some new class that acts lake lighting reed or electric blue berry 

11. add hands for the melee class 

12. add objects to the head of the plant and leaves and eye brows 

13. update

14. extract your worlds, levels, plants and etc to a exe

15. Drawable Sprites

16. ''Code'' maker (exemple, choose chance for exemple, Kernel Pult to shoot butter)

17.Plant classes and mints

(3 edits)

i was about to get mad becuas i thought you took my ideas with out credit

I Love Your Game


ideas for this game 

1. add a melee class for the plants 

2. add plant food

3. add zombie maker

4. add level maker

5. add world maker

6. add game maker for making fan games 

7. add more heads 

8. add mushrooms heads + mushrooms to stems 

9. and effects like fire frozen electric or other effects that you can come up with

10. make some new class that acts lake lighting reed or electric blue berry 

11. add hands for the melee class 

12. add objects to the head of the plant and leaves and eye brows 

13. update

i agree, btw this comment is the reason it appeared when i searched PvZ level maker on google

Deleted 241 days ago

oh cool :)

This is like super fun. wish there was more options for customization and stats that we can set

surprisingly well-made, only gripe is there isn't enough ways to customize your plants, visually or ability-wise. maybe add some extra abilities that you can add to your plants? like ice shots or the shadow plant mechanic from pvz2


is this safe

Can you put it in fullscreen?

Really a cute litlte game


How do you delete a plant?


Click Right Button


head variants (peashooter,wallnut etc)

projectile colorizer

boss creator (and zombie like the last guy)

change wallnut,cabbagepult and cornpult head to stems

This game is very cool! i love the endless possibilities with the plant maker and some challenge with the zombie wave maker. i have some suggestions to improve you're game!:

*Addition for shooter plants to shoot in 2 other lanes and shoot in 5 directions.

*Addition of the Melee Class witch attacks within a range (depending on sun price).

*Addition of a Zombie Maker with Armour types and stuff. Custom Zombies can only be accessed in your own Zombie Waves.

*More Customization options.

I really hope you add these!

(1 edit)

You seem really passionate about this game so I would feel bad about ignoring you but I don't have the project files for this game anymore and I'm working on a Doobis Films fan-game now but honestly your ideas are really great and I have actually made multi-lane shooting plants and starfruit plants in past PvZ projects of mine. 

I think what this game really needs is a plant tester and a zombie wave tester and more convenience to the zombie wave maker but you should probably find someone who could help you mod this into the game and maybe I can upload it as an official 2.5 version of the game in a zip file or something like that.

Thank you for replying, while i have no experience coding i'm sure i can find a talented person who can help me. again, thanks for replying dude.

Hey, did you ever find anyone who could mod the game?

nah, ive moved on.

the game just won't start!

pretty good but needs a zombie maker and editable stats

this is a virus

antivirus is a liar

if others doesnt say that is the antivirus is lying you

ok? but is 32 bit?

i think is 64 bit

owwwww my bad

i say it because it didnt run for me i have a 32 bit PC

This Is Bullshit I Can't Change The Lawn Music

Deleted 1 year ago

Really Great! I wish i could customize specific stats instead of using a formula but it's super great.

Another thing that would be cool was a zombie creator and more types of plants but is still amazing as is.

wow, i love this game, but you can add more plants, add map selection and add zombie creator!

Pls add this things!!!

This game is amazing! Great job!

Lol thanks!


sorry forgot to switvh accunts

very good!

Just wait for 2.0! My good friend!